Ushuaia - Week 19
19th - 25th January
Having left Buenos Aires at 6am and 33 degrees, it was a bit of a shock to reach Ushuaia at 10am and 5 degrees!!! Bloody 'ell, it was cold! But, wow, we are so pleased we went to the effort and expense of travelling to 'The city at the end of the world' because this place is unlike anywhere else we've been and is stunningly beautiful. It´s the southern most city in the world next to the Beagle channel named after Darwin´s ship, and only 600miles from Antartica. We hope the pictures will do it some justice...

We are staying at Yakush hostel which is lovely with underfloor heating and big dorms with comfy beds. Everything here in high season is mega-expensive so the budget didn't stretch to a double but luckily there are just two other couples in our dorm and none of them snore or have smelly feet!!
One of the other fantastic thing down here is the daylight hours. The sun doesn't set until about 10.30pm and rises again by 5.30am. Impossible to go to sleep before 11pm but gives us loads of time every day to pack everything in!
We spent the first afternoon settling in, exploring the town and shopping for woolly hats and gloves! Cooked a nice spag bol for tea, had a chat to a few people in the hostel and were in bed asleep by 11pm.
Saturday, we went to book bus tickets up to the next town Puerto Natales and then headed off on a 6 1/2 hour hike up the 'Cerro del Medio' which is one of the snow capped mountains behind Ushuaia. The walk took us steeply up for a couple of hours through beautiful ancient forest. Then when we came to the end of the forest and thought we must have reached the top, we spent another 2 hours scrambling up the scree (throwing a few snowballs on the way) to get to the very peak where we caught our breath and admired the view of the Beagle Channel and Ushuaia city.

Katie and our dog for the day. It followed us all the way up and down the mountain for 6 hours!
We were early to bed that night after our first hike of many to come. Then, the next morning we got the bus to Tierra del Fuego national park to do a couple of walks around the park with Jeroen and Liesbet, a nice belgian couple that we met in the hostel.
A couple of gentle walks turned into another 6 1/2 hours of hiking. Beautiful but again, knackering. We need to get fitter than this for the next few weeks of trekking! After the first five hours of walking, we got to a spot that looked hopefully like a cafe and we all needed a seat and a hot coffee so we wandered over, ignoring the funny looks we were getting from the locals on the way, just nodding at them and saying the occasional friendly, 'Hola'. It wasn't until we got round the back of the shack that we were heading for that we realised that is was a private barbeque that some of the locals were having. Very embarrassing but we all quickly recovered when they asked us to join them and we were offered enormous 'Chorripans' (choritzo sausages in baguettes) and drinks!
Monday was our recovery day off, cooking nice food, reading and exploring round Ushuaia.
On Tuesday, we took in a couple of museums in the morning and then went on board the 'charming' (ie: oldest and cheapest!!) Barracuda boat for a trip round the Beagle Channel to see sealions and lots of cormorants:
Legs (nearly) back to full working order after a couple of days not walking, on Wednesday we decided to tackle the hardest trail in the national park to Cerro Guanaco. The muscles are obviously getting used to all this new work as the trail up the mountain is said to take 4 hours and we did it in 2hr 20 mins - champs!! ; )
The view at the top was absolutely amazing, we were able to see across to Chile, miles down the Beagle channel and across all the beautiful lakes and mountains of the national park.
We had an hour left in the park once we reached the bottom so decided to walk/run another trail at the bottom along the shore of Lago Roca 4km there and 4km back to the Argentinian/Chile border for a bit more training. (Felt great at the time but not so smug when we woke up the next morning - poor, broken legs!).
After a day in the fresh air, we were well ready for a huge meal of steak (2lb of steak for GBP 2.50 and a lovely bottle of red for a quid - Argentina is so cheap!):
(This was just James's - and you know that isn't a joke...!)
Thursday was our last day in Ushuaia so we went to have a look at the old prison and maritime museum, got ready for our 16 HOUR bus trip tomorrow and cooked more steak!
Books we read: In Patagonia (of course!), Bruce Chatwin
Katie, you were brave with that big dog! Very proud. Are you going to get one when you come home?
James, you have an amazing ability to eat protein!
12:35 PM GMT
I can't believe you let the dog follow you for that length of time... you sure James hadn't pocketed the steaks to entice him like Hansel and Gretal????
Looks amazing dudes!
12:59 AM GMT
OOps! Sorry, that was Al leaving that second comment, dizzy blonde moment!
P.S. My CD of photos in the post is it ;-)
P.P.S Did parcels arrive OK to respectives?
1:01 AM GMT
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