Finca Ixobel & Livingstone - Week 7
30th October to 1st November
Our last week in Guatemala felt a little strange after being there for seven weeks. After leaving Flores in the north we headed south to a little eco-lodge / farm type place near Potun called Finca Ixobel (as recommended by Jane & Gerrit - ta!). Nice place to relax after a tiny bit of stress in Flores. Not too sure about its "eco" credentials as they proudly displayed a cage full of parrots in their front driveway!! Met a French couple (bloke looked like Mr Bean) and played 'round the clock' darts which took about 4 hours - very out of practise!!!! We stayed in a cool tree house, after a quick structural survey of its integrity of course...

Afterwards we continued down to Livingston, the only part of Gutemala on the Carribean coast. The place was really chilled as only negros (Garifuna) seem to live there, which disapointed James as he was no longer the tallest again. We visited a series of seven small waterfalls (Siete Altares) to cool down one afternoon, and then James played football afterwards. He was the only white amongst all the blacks, and scared for the ability to walk as it was "a bit rough..."

Waterfalls near Livingstone
On our last night in Livingstone, we went to a local bar where there was a Garifuna group playing drums, bongos, marracas etc which was very cool. After they left, their instruments were still in the bar so we had a bit of a percussion karaoke sesh! Loved it but we were crap compared to the Brazilian and the Swede we were with that have obviously had a misspent youth playing the bongos...!
After leaving Livingstone it was off to Honduras and the ruins at Copan. Bit worried about travelling on Day of the Dead (1st November) as the Guatemalans are very superstitious and told us that they would never travel on that day but all the buses were packed so no probs!
Books we read: I am Tucker Max, Tucker Max - Revolting drinking/girl stories but quite funny.
Think they are only available in Bolivia and Peru - deffo going to try!! All protein is good...
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