Xela - Week 2
The other strange things about being at altitude is that you get tired very quickly needing siestas and about 10 hours sleep a night, also after two beers you feel quite drunk!!
Marco, Jorge, Pat, Andrea, us and a greedy dog!

Marco, Jorge, Pat, Andrea, us and a greedy dog!
We went to a little village called Zunil on Tuesday which has a lovely 14th century church and a cooperative where you can buy locally weaved cloths etc.
Yesterday, we went with the two Canadians to Fuertes Georginas which are hot spring baths in the side of the volcano. It was very beautiful and relaxing after an intensive week of Spanish.
The first week in Xela has been great. Spanish is coming along great guns!! Katié´s teacher is very serious (but very nice) so she has lots of grammer and the boring stuff. James, however, appears to spend most of his lessons talking to Jorge (his v cute Guatemalan teacher with lovely big brown eyes... K) about boobs, beer and football and arranging the next night out!! Not sure how the Spanish is coming on but James has some 'different' vocab.
Katie studying while getting sunburnt...
Xela is lovely (see main square below). There are lots of nice cafes and restaurants, a big market and lots of bars. We went to bar Bari on Thursday night to see a live Guatemalan singer doing U2 and Crowded House numbers in Spanish.
The family we are staying with are very friendly and we´re managing to communicate a bit more now. James decided that he wasn´t getting enough protein (although the food is generally very nice - tortillas, pasta, fresh soùp, fresh fruit juices), so he has taken to cooking his own 3 poached eggs for breakfast every morning. The Guatemalans have never seen a poached egg cooked before but the sniggers are lessening every morning. They think he´s mad...
There is Edna the mother, grandma and two kids, Fernandito (below, the brown one) and Titi.
Books read: The Backpacker, The Full Montezuma
Well, four days in and all those niggling doubts about leaving the house and becoming unemployed have been left well behind!
Thanks to everyone who could come for the leaving do last Saturday - we had a brilliant time! About 50 people made it over the course of the evening from all over the country and we very much appreciated all the effort to get there! (And thanks to V&D who hosted the 'left over buffet lunch' at their house on Sunday!).